The Henry Quinn Tech Enthusiast Scholarship





The Henry Quinn Tech Enthusiast Scholarship awards $500 to two East Hampton High School seniors intending to pursue a career in computer science or a related field.

This is for the new group of students hanging out in the library teaching each other how to traverse networks, set up game servers for their friends, and otherwise create their own curriculum.



I wouldn't be able to enjoy my career as a DevOps Engineer now if it weren't for the unending support of some teachers that shaped my time at EHHS:

Bill Gusky let me know freshman year that there's a place in the world for digital creatives of all mediums.

Kristen Dean helped me set up an independent study to learn basic web development and also sparked an interest in learning about the business side of the web.

James Angelo had electronics and robotics electives ready for me to dive into from the time I started high school. His tech ed room was open to me for the remainder of my time there to tinker with Lego robots, experiment with different Linux distributions, and work on whatever technical project I was trying to learn about that week.

Their encouragement to pursue my passions beyond the offered curriclum at EHHS has undoubtedly helped me land on my feet as an adult, and I want to pay that support forward.

Based on the number of classmates I've stayed in contact with over the years who work in tech despite the available course offerings, I know there have to be students at EHHS who are still putting in the extra hours to get themselves ready for college and a future career.

They're the reason I'm starting The Henry Quinn Tech Enthusiast Scholarship. I'm honored to be able to help some students purchase textbooks, software, supplies, or whatever else they need to succeed in their next adventure.

Hopefully somewhere down the line, I can grow this into something more. But until that day comes, I'll do right by those who helped prepare me for life after high school by helping those who are getting ready to move on to bigger things.

- Henry E Quinn IV



Henry Quinn Tech Enthusiast Scholarship

Through the support and encouragement of some teachers here, I spent my high school years taking independent studies and continuing adult education classes in order to learn how to build websites and fix computers. After graduating college and landing a fun tech job, I want to pay it forward.

This is for the new group of students messing with computers, setting up game servers for their friends, exploring networks they come across, and learning through experimentation.

This scholarship awards $500 to two East Hampton High School seniors who intend to major (or otherwise continue their education in) in computer science or a related field of study. Please return your application to the Guidance Office by March 27th, 2020.

Please attach a word-processed response with the following information:
  1. Name
  2. Where do you plan on going to school? (College name, city and state)
  3. Short Questions - Just a few sentences for each:

    What do you want to major in?

    Any ideas what you want to do for a career yet?

    Were there any life experiences, interests, or activities that got you interested in working with technology?

  4. Short Essays - No more than 300 words for each:

    In lieu of there not being a computer science program at EHHS, describe a project you’ve worked on to learn (or teach yourself) more about technology? [My personal favorite was figuring out how to hypothetically hide a folder full of networked games on the school network so my graduating class had something to do during study halls!]

    Describe a piece of new technology (whether it be an app, a robot, or some kind of gadget) that you want to help create someday.



Questions? Comments? Drop me a line.



Made with in New Haven by Henry Quinn.

Modeled after my first site, built at EHHS.


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